Israel and the Caribbean: A Hanukkah greeting from the Caribbean Israel Coalition

Now more than ever, the feeling of Hanukkah’s meaning as a holiday about Jewish survival and  endurance   traverses into the varied religious landscape of   the Caribbean.

Hence, the Caribbean Israel Coalition take this opportunity to wish the Jewish communities in the Caribbean and around the world Chag Chanukah, as the lighting of Chanukah brings renewed reverence and peace to all the elements of Jewish identification.

Despite the many obstacles that Israel faces in a dark world of anti-Semitism and bigotry, the lights of Chanukah continue to represent the struggle for freedom – a struggle based on the divine light of truth, morality, and righteousness.

As the lights are renewed each night, the Caribbean Israel coalition continues to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and that Israel will continue to be a light unto all the nations.

May all the families of the earth be blessed in the light of Israel.

May the light of one candle shine the light on a thousand darkness, and may each flame brighten the lighthouse of a host of gusty seas.

The Caribbean Israel Coalition wishes peace, happiness and well-being to Jewish people in the Caribbean and throughout the world.

With best wishes for a happy and healthy Chanukah.

Rebecca Theodore – Director of North American Affairs:  Caribbean Israel Coalition