‘Straight’ political hypocrisy

Dear Editor,

The latest ejaculations by ostensibly “straight” Jamaican politicians have once again stained the fabric of our civil discourse.

For, in their rush to have intercourse with John and Jane public Messers Golding and Campbell of the PNP have abandoned all protection and so continued to spread the toxic disease of homophobia.

The fact that one of these disease vectors is a medical doctor is especially troubling.

By questioning the sexuality of the JLP’s Alando Terrelonge and resorting to puerile suggestions that this made him unsuitable for office, both Golding and Campbell have shown their bigoted colours.

Alando Terrelonge.

What is ironic is the well-known prevalence of the “bent” strain in the PNP, which recently raised a “fishy” stink in Parliament and included accusations of similar pescatarian activity by none other than their longest serving leader. The fish does indeed rot from the head.

But, before we jump too quickly to the defence of the JLP, let us not forget that fishing party’s desperate attempts to poo-poo Christ’s favorite activity, being fishers of men.

From “not in my cabinet” to banning Montego Bay Pride to preserve the “sacredness” of the Cultural Centre, leaders of the JLP have also resorted to desperate fish-baiting in order to feed the rabid hunger of their base.

The childish behavior of our politicians belies their age and many of these fossilized dinosaurs are no better than overgrown school yard bullies seeking attention. They should be put in a corner to play with their (fishing) poles and little else.

To both political parties I therefore say, mind the fish in your own pond and stop throwing stones in others because you BOTH inhabit very fragile glass houses.  In the famous words of our previous PNP PM, herself accused of “bent” behaviour: “Don’t draw mi tongue!”

Jamaica is so over these pointless fishing expeditions. Let’s focus on issues not fishes shall we?

Yours truly,
Maurice Tomlinson