BARBADOS – Sewage woes mount as BWA tries to contain overflow in Rockley, Christ Church

There has been no ease in the ever increasing overflow of sewage on the island’s south coast.

In a statement issued Tuesday evening, the Barbados Water Authority (BWA) warned that “recurring overflows, primarily in the Hastings, Rendezvous and Worthing, Christ Church areas indicate that the breach in the sewer line is worsening.”

As part of a temporary measure, the BWA said its Wastewater Division has erected a sand-bag barrier to contain overflows near the Rockley Beach facility.

“This has minimized the drift of waste water onto the beach as septic tanks to address part of this issue will soon be installed, “ the BWA said.

The Authority noted that efforts were continuing to complete the drilling of a series of injection wells to repair the breach.

“Three of those well heads are currently being prepared for connection to the plant[sewage]. All of the wells should be completed and operational by the middle of this year,” the BWA said.

One thought on “BARBADOS – Sewage woes mount as BWA tries to contain overflow in Rockley, Christ Church

  1. I think more pumps are needed to suck and throw the excess in tankers in order to ease the overflow,

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