BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS – Cries for assistance after Irma leaves widespread devastation

Residents in the British Virgin Islands woke up to scenes of utter devastation Thursday after Hurricane Irma unleashed its fury on the islands.

Images have emerged of homes being flattened, government buildings in ruins, and other structures such as the Scotiabank in the territory’s capital – Road Town – severely damaged.

In a video circulating on social media a resident said there are reports of lives being lost. However, this has not been officially confirmed.

“Everything mash up; everything, nothing saved,” said resident Jermaine Smith.

“You have people in buildings die and nobody can get to them. You have cars mashed up; all the houses have been ripped to pieces. Only thing I could have saved is our passport and our lives.”

He added that electricity and telecommunication services are down, and water supply has been disrupted.

There are reports too that first responders have become somewhat immobilized as a result of damage caused by the Category 5 hurricane.

“The fire station, the police station mash up; we have nowhere to go right now. All my friends and family please try to help us. My mother, I don’t know how to contact you,” the man who is a Jamaican native said.

Persons have also been posting desperate appeals on the Facebook Page “BVI Community Board” seeking to know the whereabouts of their loved ones. (BVI News)

One thought on “BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS – Cries for assistance after Irma leaves widespread devastation

  1. Would like to know if your needing electricians from U.K. To come and help rebuild.

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