Caribbean Credit Union movement donates US$115K to fight COVID-19

The Caribbean Credit Union Movement through its Foundation and the Worldwide
Foundation for Credit Unions, has donated US$115,000 to Caribbean Credit Unions to
procure protective gear for front-line staff.

Funds will also go to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Caribbean sub-regional office to procure test kits and personal protective equipment (PPE) to support front-liners in the fight against the dreaded Coronavirus, and the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) to assist with distribution logistics to member countries.

Most front-line credit union staff have to interact with members to offer well-needed
services to members.

A large majority of members are First Responders, inclusive of; nurses, doctors, other ancillary medical personnel, firefighters, soldiers and police personnel, etc. who are in constant need of all the requisite PPE during this pandemic.

The Caribbean Credit Union Movement, which comprises more than 200 Credit Unions in
17 English speaking countries, serves over 2.4 million members.

The CCUM says it remains committed to the cooperative principle of ‘people helping people’. Credit unions are not–for-profit financial cooperatives, offering similar services as other financial institutions, but with a distinct inclusiveness and people-first philosophy.