CAUSE challenges anti-Biblical and anti-scientific ideologies

COMMUNIQUE: Cayman Islands, resist warped ideology! Protect your children

It is unfortunate, but not unexpected, that Governor Martyn Roper intends to impose same-sex Domestic Partnership on the Cayman Islands.

It is not unexpected because as was pointed out in our first communique on this matter, the LGBT political agenda is often advanced by the use of raw power.

It is unfortunate because the Governor has chosen to abuse his power as the British representative in Cayman Islands to overturn the decision of the democratically elected Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs).

The Caribbean CAUSE considers the Governor’s action to be reprehensible and we are deeply disturbed by his unblushing determination to legislate the LGBTQ ideology and lifestyle, that has no scientific support or grounding in objective reality, and promotes bogus or fake “rights”.

It is imperative that the people of the Cayman Islands join with their MLAs here and now to resist any attempt to re-order their society to accommodate the sexual lawlessness that is bound up in LGBT ideologies.

The Domestic Partnership Bill failed in the Legislative Assembly because the Members voted to protect the people of the Cayman Islands, especially the children, from the warped desires of the LGBTQ elite.

The record shows that the desires of this powerful elite are insatiable. Should Governor Martyn Roper force the same-sex Domestic Partnership Bill to become a part of the Cayman national landscape, Islanders can expect a host of other radical social changes as in the UK. One such change will be indoctrination with the ‘Comprehensive Sexuality Education’ (CSE) and “Gender Unicorn’ programs.

CSE teaches children to have a nihilistic and anarchist approach to sex (‘nihilistic’ meaning everything is permissible, and ‘anarchist’ because the individual answers only to his/herself).

The Gender Unicorn program promotes confusion about gender. Children as young as 3 years of age are taught that that they can call themselves a ‘princess boy’ one day, a girl the next day and neither a boy nor a girl the day after.

CSE, a sexualising and sometimes pornographic curriculum, may well have already affected UK children. For example, researchers from You Gov in the UK reported that whereas in 2015, one out of 50 (2%), of 18 to 24 year-olds said they were bisexual, this number rose to 1 in 6 (16%) by 2019 – a staggering 8-fold increase in a short 4-year period!

This is no pattern for Caymanian children to follow. The stark truth is that the Domestic Partnership Bill being pushed by Governor Martyn Roper is but part of a non-negotiable sexual “rights” package, a manifestation of the “sexual revolution,” where anything and everything is acceptable.

The ‘sexual revolution” is a comprehensive, nihilistic and anarchist philosophical approach to sex and gender. It was facilitated by the methodologically and ethically flawed research of Dr Alfred Kinsey, flawed research by Evelyn Hooker and the raw political pressure applied to the American 2 Page 2 Psychiatric Association (APA) by the Gay Rights movement.

The latter two helped to advance the homosexual component of the revolution, specifically the removal of homosexuality from the list of abnormalities in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual II in 1973.

The “sexual revolution” is undergirded and advanced by power brokers in the UN, US government, UK government and universities. Its proponents are seeking to add paedophilia to the smorgasbord of “normal and legitimate” sexual engagements. Contrary to the Governor’s claim, he is not pursuing a principled act to bring the Cayman Islands in line with the rule of law and the constitution.

Governor Martyn Roper is using the raw power of the British State in support of the LGBT political ideology to set in motion the reordering of the Caymanian society according to an ideology which is inconsistent with the world view within which the Caymanian constitution was framed.

Of utmost concern is that Governor Roper is doing so at the expense of the real rights of Caymanian children: the right to be taught truth about human sexuality; the right to not be indoctrinated into sexual nihilism and anarchy; the right to be protected from being socialized to think that having two dads or two moms is as normal as having a mom and dad. Homosexuality is as old as human history but never in the history of civilised nations has the well-being of children been sacrificed on the altar of homosexual passions.

Must the Cayman Islands now mimic the UK by having self-proclaimed queer and transgender persons read to children during story hour at the local library? Must Caymanian children be subjected to the folly of believing that you can be a female boy, a male girl or something other than a boy or a girl? Must these children be taught that wrong is right and that as far as sex and gender are concerned, anything goes?

People of the Cayman Islands! Lift your voices and say ‘NO’. Stand with the Members of the Legislative Assembly. Stand up to Governor Martyn Roper. Stand up for your sons, your daughters, your families. Stand up for your Constitution. Stand up for your cultural rights, for public consultation and for the retention of Godly values in your nation. Stand up for the Word. Stand up for scientific facts. And as you stand, know that your brothers and sisters in the Caribbean are standing with you. STAND!