JAMAICA – Controversial pastor denied entry to Jamaica

Steven Anderson, the controversial Pastor at the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Phoenix, Arizona,  has commented strongly on being denied entry to Jamaica following an outcry from local and overseas activists.

Anderson is adamant that overseas governments influenced Jamaica to take a hard stance which resulted in him not being able to visit the island to preach.
The pastor has called for gay people to be stoned to death, once prayed for the death of Barack Obama and has also said that a women’s place is at home raising children and not at work.
Anderson said he was about to board a flight to Kingston when he was informed he would not be allowed into Jamaica.
He had previously been denied entry to South Africa, Canada, the United Kingdom and Botswana because his messages are deemed to be hate speeches.
In response to this development, Jay John, an activist who launched an online petition calling for the Jamaican government to bar Anderson, told Britain’s Guardian newspaper that he was pleased with the outcome.

He said more than 39,000 people signed the petition.

Maurice Tomlinson, a Jamaican lawyer and gay rights activist who migrated to Canada after he received death threats, also welcomed the decision, saying he was proud of Jamaica for banning Anderson.

He described it as a huge win for Jamaican sovereignty, constitutional protections as well as the safety and security of all Jamaicans.