JAMAICA – Police condemn video showing female officer berating superior

Members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) have expressed concern that a video being circulated on social media allegedly showing a female officer berating her superior for giving her a hard time, saying it does not reflect the professionalism of the Force.

In a statement, the JCF said that the video will be investigated and the required mediatory or disciplinary action taken.

It said that the video does not reflect the image, training and professionalism of the JCF and is encouraging members to access counselling services through the Medical Services and the Chaplaincy Services Branch.

It said peer counsellors and volunteer chaplains are also available at all police stations.

“If it is worthwhile, we will meet with both of them to see if we can come up with an amicable solution . . . but  sometimes, it’s best to separate both and have them in different locations. We deal with it on a case by case basis,” said the Chief Chaplain, Gary Budhoo Fletcher.