My skin is way too dark

Dear Pastor

Thank you for the opportunity to raise personal issues with you and congratulations on your rather insightful response to the young man who was raped by his friend. My issue is quite different. I am 27 years old and will complete my first degree at university in 2018. I am very concerned about the colour of my skin. To put it plainly, I am way too dark and I am very uncomfortable in my skin. I am worried that I might not be able to fit into the working world or get a position for which I know that I will be qualified. I have tried bleaching but I was not satisfied with the result. The situation is really bothering me so I am turning to you to seek professional help. What would you suggest that I do as a long-lasting solution to my skin problem? Please help me.

Dark Skin Girl


Dear BEAUTIFUL Dark Skin Girl,

Thanks for writing in. Permit me to be honest with you. Your issue is more than skin deep. A change of your skin’s pigmentation will not fix what I believe is a deeper issue of self-worth.

Some years ago, I had serious issues wearing short sleeved shirts because I was ghastly ashamed of my eczema. But I realised that the issue rested in real feelings of worthlessness that I had not dealt with. I began addressing that source of the problem by telling myself that I AM WORTHY. It is a hash tag that I use up to this day. It is the lens through which I view every aspect of my life. I sense that your issue is similar. Again, yours is not an issue of skin but one of worth.

Today, I proudly wear anything I want to, even bearing my arms. The eczema is not gone but the feeling of worthlessness is. You need to begin to speak audibly to yourself these affirming words, “I AM WORTHY!” Say it as often as you need to. 

You must have learned from someone or your environment that your complexion was a problem. That need for affirmation begins with you affirming YOURSELF. You are created in the image of God, designed by God and therefore you are not a mistake – not even your complexion. Love the skin you’re in and show up in the world as your authentic self, knowing that #YouAreWorthy.

Damien Williams is a Minister & Bible Teacher at Ekklesia Bible Fellowship in Kingston, Jamaica. He is also an Educator, Life Coach and Human Rights & Justice Advocate. His day job is as a Field Operations Manager at Habitat for Humanity Jamaica. If you have an issue that you need advice on, send an e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected]