Police Officer Given Lengthy Jail Term

ST JOHN’S, Antigua, Sep 23 2015 – A High Court judge has sentenced a police officer to 23 years in jail after he was found guilty of assault with intent to rob a casino last year.

Corporal Alexis “Big Foot,” Thomas, 39, has vowed to appeal the sentence, insisting that he was not involved in the attempted robbery that took place at the Paradise Casino where he also worked a security guard on July 22, 2014.

“I feel so strongly about this case that even if the sentence is one day, I would appeal. That is how strongly I feel,” Thomas said before Justice Albert Redhead imposed the sentence on Tuesday.

Thomas, a 20-year veteran, showed no signs of emotion or remorse as the judge chided him for attempting to rob the casino of more than EC$39,000 using a police issued firearm and vehicle.

Justice Redhead also responded to accusations by Thomas that he was bias, saying “in my 30 plus years, this is the first time a convicted person has made accusations that I was biased”.

The judge said the convicted man, a father of one, has “refused to take responsibility for his action.

“…he blamed the prosecution, he blames me…he tries to blame everyone else. You continue to deny you were involved. There is no doubt in my mind that the verdict of guilty was not wrong. Your colleague that trained with you recognised your voice. The key evidence is the accused on the camera; the shirt, belt and pants, any sensible person would have come to that conclusion.”