
The Caribbean News Service (CNS) needs your support to help us keep the site open, accessible and free.

We don’t charge for our content and we want to keep it that way. We charge for advertising on our site, but we are seeking broader support from individuals and other organisations so we can continue our work and develop CNS further.

Your generous donation will let us report more widely. Your contribution directly helps provide more people with the knowledge that helps them make the decisions that are so vital for sustainable development.

Ways you can Donate

1. Make your donation online

You can use your Credit/Debit card or Paypal account to make a donation.


2. Send the Donation via Post office

You can use our Postal Address and mail us your donation


P.O. Box 2991
St. John’s

3. You can call us

If you do not wish to use the above methods, you can call us and we will make the necessary arrangements

Call us on (268) 784-6848

Other ways to help

You can also support CNS by spreading the word: let others know you value our service. You’ve heard of us, but have all your colleagues? Telling them about CNS helps us reach out to more people.

Forward your favourite CNS articles to a friend, share them on social bookmarking sites like Facebook, or tweet them to your audience.

If you have a website, or a blog add our logo onto your site. It will show your support and prompt others to find our website.