I have lost faith in all preachers

Dear Pastor

I have been following developments in the state of Texas in the United States and one issue this week has really shaken my faith. And that is putting it mildly. I feel like I don’t want to hear another preacher because I am becoming more and more convinced that all preachers are hypocrites and con artists. How could Joel Osteen, the mega church millionaire pastor who has a stadium sized-mega church in Houston that holds 16,000, have refused to open the doors of the sanctuary to the victims of Hurricane Harvey, even if that refusal was for five minutes? Why did it have to take a backlash on social media for him to finally decide to open the church? Preachers are frauds of the highest order. Why should I go to church on Sunday to listen to a preacher?

Broken Faith


Dear Broken Faith,

Truth is, we ALL sin differently!

We will NEVER know what’s in the heart of the gentleman in question or what motivated his (in) action. 

Though I understand that it can be discouraging when someone you hold in high regard falls beneath your expectations, I want to encourage you that your Faith is too profound a gift to rest in fallible human beings. Even as I respond to you, I consider my own humanity and tendency to act contrary to my profession of faith.

Pastor Osteen’s error in your eyes should not be used to colour the credibility of all pastors, just like your own errors should never be used to discredit your own profession of faith or condemn you. I would much rather focus on your Faith, rather than Osteen’s apparent folly.

I urge you, in your (justifiable) criticism of him to remember mercy and forgiveness – they will set you free. Take your eyes off man and look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith (Romans 12:1 & 2). And, may this situation serve to remind us all to never shut up our bowels of compassion. May each of us learn to love mercy, seek justice and walk humbly before our God (Micah 6:8).

Be encouraged and remember Him in whom you have believed.

Damien Williams is a Minister & Bible Teacher at Ekklesia Bible Fellowship in Kingston, Jamaica. He is also an Educator, Life Coach and Human Rights & Justice Advocate. His day job is as a Field Operations Manager at Habitat for Humanity Jamaica. If you have an issue that you need advice on, send an e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected]