One-On-One With Kenroy Baptiste

ST. GEORGE’S, Grenada, March 15 2015, CNS – Kenroy Baptiste is a career radio & television executive producer/broadcaster and inspirational speaker. Currently, he is an anchor for GBN Television News and the executive producer/lead broadcaster at Spice Productions, which he founded in 2001. His previous stints include host, To The Point, GBN’s Klassic Radio FM 105.5 & 105.9; executive producer/host, Spice Productions’ Managing Your Health, GBN’s Klassic Radio; co-host, Teen Upbeat, FLOW CC6; anchor/reporter, Pulse News (radio edition), National Public Relations Incorporated (NPR); anchor, Newsbreak, CaribUpdate News Service; co-host, Spice Capital Festival Magazine, Spice Capital Radio; and co-producer/host, Focus, GBN. Kenroy Baptiste is also known as a voice-over talent of commercials, public service announcements and features; an event host; and the chairman of The Kenroy Baptiste Organization for the Poor and Needy.

1. What do you love most about the Caribbean? – Ahhhh, for the most part, its mountainous terrain, nature trails and tropical weather; perfect for hiking, hashing and spending time outdoors with family and friends.

2. What brings you the greatest joy? – Knowing whose I am (the masterpiece of Almighty God) and being in touch with who I am (I bask in my individuality and know what drives me and offers me peace. In addition, inspiring others to pursue excellence at every opportunity in their own fields of endeavour and uplift humanity.

3. What was the happiest day of your life? – Admittedly, when I received official word on February 12, 2006, that I was hired as a television anchor news at the Grenada Broadcasting Network (GBN). Although I anchored LIVE television news elsewhere in 1999/2000, the burst of national pride is somehow more pronounced at GBN. Consciousness is awakened on how serious national service really is.

4. What was the saddest day? – April 12, 2012, when my brother (Kellon Baptiste) – Former National Goalkeeper of Grenada – passed away at the age of 38. Though he was ill, he was on the mend, hence his passing was unexpected. A tough day it was.

5. What is the best advice you’ve been given? – We all are different because we’re unique; just be your best self. This statement inspires me to bask in my individuality. It also kick started the journey of self-discovery by spending time with me. You see, when you know who you are, you’re most comfortable being you and your fascination is remaining true to you because it is for this reason you experience peace. Likewise, you don’t do or say things for others’ approval or to be fancied by them. You value standing out rather than attempting to fit in.

6. What is on your bookshelf? – My Bible, books, dictionaries, magazines, newspapers, journals, games, telephone directories, radio and television scripts and a makeup kit (uh-huh, a must-have for television – lol). Gosh, sometimes my bookshelf is messy. Forgive me, I’m working on it.

7. What charity do you support? – I lead my own charity – The Kenroy Baptiste Organization for the Poor & Needy. Nonetheless, I support other efforts for children and the elderly.

8. What is on your bucket list? – Ummm, let’s see… 1.) Anchor LIVE news and/or co-host a morning show for BBC, CNN, CBS, ABC or NBC. 2.) Travel to South Africa to sightsee and/or as a volunteer in philanthropy and youth development. 3.) Meet the following icons: – Lyn Russell, Former Anchor, CNN Headline News). – Zeinab Badawi (Current Anchor, BBC World News). – Oprah Winfrey. 4.) Publish two books – one on broadcasting and the other on the journey of self-discovery.

9. What is on your perennial to-do list? 1.) Pursue a better understanding of my family tree. 2.) Start a children’s club. 3.) Open a high-end men’s clothing store and/or barber salon

10. Who are your Caribbean heroes? – 1.) The late Kellon Baptiste (brother) – Former National Goalkeeper of Grenada. 2.) Sir Trevor McDonald OBE – Trinidadian-born renowned British broadcasting icon. 3.) Paul Roberts – Grenadian-born broadcaster/founder of Spice Capital Radio. 4.) The late Frank Hughes (“Vega One”) – Grenadian-born broadcaster.

11. Who has had the greatest influence on you up to this point in your life? – Undoubtedly, my mother — a tower of strength. She played a critical role in shaping the person I am today. She was and still is very involved in my development. A single mother for the most part, having raised seven children. The upbringing I’ve had from her keeps me grounded and influences my values in life. My mother is truly God’s gift to me and I can say the same for my siblings. After God are her children. She lives by example. She’s also my biggest supporter in broadcasting and other engagements I’m passionate about (for example, inspirational speaking and event hosting). I love, respect and appreciate her.

12. Who is on the guest list for your ideal dinner party? Ummmm, okayyyy.

  • My mother (Winifred Sandy-Baptiste)
  • Victor Ashby, Former Principal – Grenada Boys’ Secondary School
  • Eugene Gittens – Former Programme & Marketing Manager, Grenada Broadcasting Network
  • Roberts Phillip – Former English Teacher, Grenada Boys’ Secondary School
  • Victoria Hughes – Former Branch Manager, Grenada Broadcasting Network
  • Paul Roberts – Founder/Broadcaster, Spice Capital Radio
  • Close friends: Dwight Sampson, Kenril Baptiste, Joshua James, Alex Cumberbatch, Danelle Wyse, Andrel McMillan, Howard Bain & Olvine Holas.

 13. What quote do you live by? – Treat others well; you don’t have to know someone to treat him/her well. When you make others happy; you too are happy. When you help others succeed, you too succeed.

14. What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you? – I’m single by choice and loving it.

15. What is one thing you wish you knew when you were younger? – Time is precious; spend it wisely.

16. If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you have changed? – I would have cut out the idle/stupid talk and invest more time in uplifting humanity. I’ve wasted a lot of time on unwholesome talk. Urghhhh.

17. If I were to ask someone who is fair and objective to describe you, what would they say? – The person would likely say I’m a cool guy; easy going. He/she may also say I’m grounded, respectful, generous and witty with words.

18. What qualities would you say set you apart from everyone else? – I don’t know whether these qualities set me apart from everyone else because we all are unique in our own ways. I’d just say I’m sophisticated by nature and nurture. I have the gift of gab. I’m very attentive to detail. To God be the glory…

19. What would you want to say to the Caribbean about any one of these: Agriculture, Arts & Culture, Climate Change, HIV/AIDS, Tourism? – On the subject of arts and culture, the Caribbean needs to invest more in culture tourism; this niche market offers great potential for development and is quite lucrative. Our economies can benefit significantly from it. We must bring the Caribbean to the world and the world to the Caribbean, especially through the performing arts. Let’s do it really well because we can.

20. Any final words? – Thank you for this exchange. I appreciate it. I trust that I answered your questions with every ounce of sincerity. Be the fullest expression of yourself! Don’t settle for mediocrity; raise the bar even if others must use a ladder to reach it. Standard still is attractive. God’s mercies and blessings. Buh-bye!